The number and types of parasites that can survive and reproduce in the human body for a long time without "giving up" in any way are simply enormous. They are so small that they are invisible to the naked eye and can grow up to several meters in length. In the vast majority of cases, people don't even know what kind of "uninvited guests" have visited their bodies.
The parasites in the human body can live for many years, and their presence has caused him irreparable harm.

type of parasite
Currently, medical science knows about 250 species of parasites that live in the human body and develop very successfully there.
These include lice, facial and scabies mites, Toxoplasma gondii, fungi, viruses and microorganisms. All these parasites can be waiting for you at every turn, so you need to be very careful and careful.
If a person were asked to name a parasite that he knew was living in the body, he would most likely name the worm. It's them that we hear and even encounter most often, pass the next inspection.
There is a special branch of medicine called parasitology, which is responsible for the study and finding ways to deal with highly developed pest species.
These include:
- Worms are well-known worms or worms that cause metabolic disturbances and suppression of normal gut microbial communities and their vital activities. Additionally, they interfere with vitamin absorption and increase the likelihood of tumor formation;
- Ascaris - is the cause of the overall complex development of biliary, intestinal and lung diseases;
- pinworms - affects the gut, disrupting its work;
- Lamuria - adversely affects the liver.
The human body is also frequented by Toxoplasma, Chlamydia and Trichomonas, which can adversely affect health conditions and cause various sometimes incurable diseases. Most of us never think about which parasites might be in the human body and which symptoms indicate their presence.
Entering the human life support system, pests begin to develop and reproduce. During their life, they release toxic substances that disrupt the functioning of their internal systems. In addition, allergic reactions often occur, immunity declines, and the course of chronic diseases is aggravated.
Unfortunately, they often ignore signs of the presence of parasites in the human body due to the manifestation of certain diseases.
The most common and frequently occurring symptoms of the presence of "strangers" in the human body are:
- frequent diarrhea or constipation;
- Poor skin condition, rashes on the face and other parts of the body;
- persistent stomach irritation and heaviness, digestive problems;
- joint pain, muscle spasms and pain in the legs;
- the development of disorders of the work of the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system (acute phase of the disease);
- anemia;
- Uncontrolled weight and unreasonable jumping;
- Insomnia, persistent weakness and fatigue.
Often, the immune system "can't see" and doesn't recognize "uninvited guests" in any way, so it's simply impossible to recognize signs of their presence without laboratory tests.
source and route of infection
Contrary to popular belief, only those who don't pay attention to hand hygiene get all kinds of worms and fungi, and even the most stubborn cleaners and reinsurers are able to "pick up" them.
The main routes of infection are:
- Digestive tract - through dirty hands, contaminated food or water;
- Exposure to households - from pets, infected household members to household items;
- Contagious - by the bite of a blood-sucking insect;
- Percutaneous - larvae penetrate through mucous membranes or skin.
It is easy to get infected, but it is very difficult to clear their bodies. Sometimes, treatment with even the latest drugs takes a long time. Therefore, in order to minimize the risk of contracting these "pests", it is necessary to study the useful advice of doctors and follow them clearly: wash hands thoroughly, wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly, eat meat and fish only after heating, etc.
Methods of diagnosing the presence of "guests" are constantly improving, and new and more accurate methods are being developed.
The main and most commonly used methods include:
- Analyzing feces for eggs is the most common method used in all clinics. However, it was less than 17% accurate.
- The histological synergy procedure is a modern method of studying fecal thin sections using a powerful microscope. This method gives you the clearest and most accurate distinction between eggs and larvae, and fragments of worm bodies;
- Serological methods - blood tests to determine the presence of antibodies and antigens to various parasites. This method is only effective in the late stage of infection, and the effective rate does not exceed 60%;
- hemoscanning - Scan a drop of fresh blood at 2000x magnification. This method allows you to determine the presence of fungal, yeast or bacterial flora, assess the status of blood components and detect parasite larvae.
To ensure that none of the parasites will slip away and will definitely be detected, it is usually prescribed to pass all diagnostic methods.
Purify and heal the body
Knowing the fact that we are at risk at almost every step and that almost all of us are infected with one microorganism or another, every sane person asks himself a question: "How can we get rid of parasites in our body? "insect"?
Most medical methods of cleaning the body that exist today are based on ingesting drugs that create living conditions unsuitable for parasites to live in. The course of treatment is relatively long and requires patience, which can be delayed for 30 days to a year.
All existing anthelmintics, with the help of parasites in the body, are conditionally divided into the following groups:
- Synthetic chemistry provides the highest processing efficiency and produces the fastest results. They are not only toxic to the parasite, but also to the host organism. In addition, many worms and other pests are very adaptable and become insensitive to the effects of drugs;
- Substances of natural origin are plant extracts and various herbal preparations. Continued ingestion of these drugs can cause the "guests" to build up in the body of plant ingredients that cannot be tolerated, prompting them to leave the body. They are harmless to humans and not addictive;
- Homeopathy - The outcome of treatment with these medicines depends to a large extent on the qualifications of the doctor and his ability to choose the medicine. Treatment is lengthy and requires strict adherence to a medication schedule.
With the help of which preparations the internal parasites can be eliminated, only the doctor can decide. Three months after the course of treatment, it is advisable to redo all tests and, as a precautionary measure, drink the drug for another 10-15 days during treatment.